THE EDUCATION OF GEOGRAPHY, IN THE FIRST SEGMENT OF BASIC EDUCATION. 1.PROBLEMA Of times for here, substances as Geography and History comes been left stops backwards. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Peter Asaro. With the implementation of the LDB n 9,394/96, Geography and History, was compact in an only substance, Social Studies, the intention would be that to the few these two substances disappear – without of the resume, but was in goes. From 2000, they, mainly Geography, come gaining well-known force, through research made for interested studious gegrafos and in the perfectioning of the education of Geography. Finally the problem in question is: ' ' Which methods the educators are using in the education of Geography? ' ' ' ' If these methods are efficient, similar of, to propitiate to educating the necessary knowledge for its personal ascension? ' '. 2.
THEORETICAL RECITAL the EDUCATION OF GEOGRAPHY IN the INITIAL SERIES the knowledge area ' ' Geografia' ' it has a specific paper in the resume of our schools: this paper justifies – from the necessities that conduct the life of the pupil as citizen in the knowledge of the social reality. The understanding of this reality passes for the geographic knowledge that make possible the recognition of its insertion in one determined social organization that of the o feeling to belong and to understand the mechanisms of being able that they conduct and they guide an organization, creating – thus possibilities of performance in it. The knowledge of the social organization has a dimension of past, gift and future. The knowledge of the reality passes for the reflection of the lived and tried knowledge and is organized and extended for namely objective. Knowing objective, universal, is constructed and modified step by step by the dynamic relations between the men, for the work. Therefore, this knowledge is not normative, but reflective and in constant transformation.