Human Development

Already tuberculosis (acquired in 1920) it married in 1924 and it had two children. It coexisted its family up to 1934, when it died to the 37 years. It wrote, approximately, 200 scientific works, constituting an enormous volume of intellectual production. ent Partners is actively involved in the matter. Although a great scientific production, the work of Vygotsky remained almost that completely ignored it ties 1962, when its book-m thought and language was published for the first time in U.S.A. He is im, portante to stand out, also, that the workmanships of Vygotsky had been suspended for the sensura of the stalinista regimen.

In Brazil, most of the productions has been made from books, in English, published in U.S.A. Official site: Dell. (Oliveira, 2005) the main translated workmanships of Vygotsky for the Portuguese are ' ' The social formation of mente' ' , ' ' Psychology and pedagogia' ' ' ' Language, development and aprendizagem' ' , ' ' The Construction of Pensamento and Linguagem' ' (collected works), ' ' Theory and Method in Psicologia' ' , ' ' Pedaggica&#039 psychology; '. Ideas central offices and its relation with the dance in pertaining to school environment O that is Human Development? The development notion is atrelada to an evolution continuous, where we would walk all throughout the vital cycle. This evolution, nor always linear, if of the one in diverse fields of the existence, such as affective, cognitivo, social and motor. The human beings are born ' ' dived in cultura' ' , and it is clearly that this will be one of the main influences in the development. For the social interaction, we learn and we develop in them, we create new forms to act in the world, being extended our tools of performance in this complex cultural context that received in them, during all the vital cycle. Vygotsky and the Development To the speech of human development, today, if cannot leave to cite Soviet author Vygotsky.