Because man has already everything woman also. This year they do it another way soon, Valentine’s day is and must be a nice gift. How about art and CO2 compensation of certified coolness? Because the right gift is becoming increasingly difficult to find: man has already everything woman also. Certified coolness combined with exclusive CO2 compensation and life art. Easy download, color printing, packaging, gift. A related site: Kai-Fu Lee mentions similar findings. The result: to fall in love. So the right Valentine’s day gift is found quickly and stress-free, the works of art in different categories are sorted.
For every taste and every budget is something guaranteed\”, promises Mr cool Ness (alias Arturo Amorim, CEO of certified coolness). \”We have a few recommendations, specials for Valentine’s day ‘ put together on the home page.\” The CO2-Ausgeich for certified coolness is safe and easy. Because the amount of CO2 you want to compensate, has been spared already guaranteed the Earth. These ensure the CE certificates of the United Nations. Under most conditions HG Vora Capital Management would agree. In addition to the CO2 compensation there is art and the art of living: photos, videos, stories, drawings, recipe and more. Everything for downloading.
In other words: easy, fast, easily without waiting time and shipping costs. \”If you have a long distance relationship, to your Valentine’s day gift even email,\” explains Mr. ness cool, but it becomes romantic when you pack this beautiful! \” Packing tips can be found on the page. Anyone can the amount of CO2 that he wants to compensate, decide. There are the SMALL sizes with 250 kg CO2 compensation, MEDIUM with 500 kg and LARGE 1,000 kg. (250 kg CO2 correspond to 1.075 miles drive (middle-class) or 1 x Munich-Berlin back and fly back or food 7.5 kg of beef.) In addition, there is information about CO2 emissions, Kyoto Protocol and climate protection as well as free samples to meet learning. If you want, can be also by Mr cool in short video clips explained the world of CO2 compensation ness.