Tag: crà © dito

Yannis Moraitis

When the engine stops, do not forget to turn them off. This will protect you, be without power in case you forget, for example, the electric refrigerator running. At anchor in a port, always have a defense between his boat and the dock, so even if the anchor for any reason is unable to remain in position, the boat will not touch the quay. Be careful of the sea that vessels great cause and prevent the closure of a yacht mooring in place these boats anchor. Before starting the engine, walk around the boat for floating ropes that may block or damage the propeller or gearbox. When you want to go back and forth, they do after they dropped the engine speed to idle. Do not tow your boat, especially in bad weather, you may lose.

It is better to keep it secured in front of the mast. Remember that lost items are always charged to the charterer. In case you need tug help and before you accept, agree on the price and ask for a receipt that clearly states that any additional payment is requested. Avoid falling papers or napkins in the toilet bowl. It is better to use plastic bags for waste paper.

Toilet pumps are not able to dissolve such things. Remember to close the main switch on the top of the gas cylinder when not in use the gas stove or when no one on board. While filling water or fuel tanks, make sure not to mix the fuel with water or fuel. In both cases the situation becomes unpleasant and difficult to repair. Keep an eye on the hour counter of your engine and make sure you have enough fuel in your tank. The fuel gauge is not always reliable, so check the times you’ve used the engine. Do not throw plastic bottles, cans or any other waste at sea. Keep on board and remove immediately at the port first. Also asked not to raise any brand, except the Greek, in the stern of the yacht, as it is against Greek and International marine regulations. CAUTION “N: If the boat is equipped with DSC VHF, do not press distress boot” N unless absolutely necessary (FIRE – Collision – earth – sinking). There is a penalty for unnecessary use.