Relaxations to balance and relax the entire nervous system. This is yoga for everyday life, it is not necessary to have a perfect physical condition or a particular belief, the Kundalini yoga works if you breathe and move the body. The gift of Kundalini Yoga is to experience it, no words can replace that experience. a MEANING AND ORIGIN OF YOGA: The word Yoga comes from the ancient Indian language and means union. Can be considered a exercise that unites body, mind and spirit. Yoga is an ancient science for the first forms of yoga were structured years.
over 10,000 yoga, universally known technology, has its ancient origins in diverse cultures such as Indian, China and the Maya, in Hindu culture is these the best known and the guardian of yoga for thousands of years. DIFFERENCE WITH THE HATHA YOGA:. Classical Yoga includes the renowned hathaa that emphasizes the “asana” or the position, the purpose of hatha is to raise awareness in this regard and hathaa Kundalini yoga are the same the difference is how long it takes each technology in meeting its objectives and what is experienced on the road. Kundalini Yoga is much faster and was designed for people who do not have much time for a discipline for those who have family and work and seek to balance the outer and inner world. It is the yoga that follows the hectic life we all have. OTHER CAUSES OF STRESS: Apart from the constant changes imposed on us by the world today and as I mentioned earlier are the cause of much of the stress we live there are other sources such as: emotions retained and managed, both anger saved as unexpressed sadness and chronic fear are root causes to feel stress and anxiety. Another cause is the food there are foods that irritate the system considerably nervous congesting our body and hindering their natural functions, all of this, leading to highly dangerous diseases, growing more uncomfortable and painful stress we live, and so begins a circle cycle. All these causes stress are solved with the practice of Kundalini yoga which has a tecnology through breathing, postures, exercises, relaxation and meditation sounds really to empower people and who can deal with all these causes of stress.