Tag: The work of the

Advertising And Marketing Texts

Such was the story. There was a lot more of other books on the subject, mostly, of course, paid. The most interesting I got right to resell, and Now they are being sold on my site. These books taught me to spell advertising and marketing texts, correctly position and unscrew the goods. But the main thing in copywriting – it's up to you. You can be one of best copywriters Runet, if you have the desire to learn simple things that can increase your site's income by 100%, 200% and 300% and then only with the written language.

In conclusion, let me bring you 10 tips that will help You will construct a persuasive sales letter for your product: 1. Put your picture in the ad text. This again will show people that you do not hide behind your website and you are not afraid of the quality of their goods. 2.Opublikuyte list of famous and influential people who have already bought your product. These people will certainly know your target audience. 3.Publikuyte test results for your product in the ad. Your product can be tested for durability, safety, quality and so on. 4.

Make a list of publications about your business. This may be a review of the product, first in the list of "ten" hit products, paper and the like. 5. Publish a list of books you have written on your product. When you publish a list of books already written by you, it would lend credibility to your words and you will then be an expert. 6.Opublikuyte positive results of surveys of customers in your advertisement. Just poll the people who have purchased your package and place the results within the text. 7. Make professional-looking website where you will place your ad. When people visit your site and see what he's done professionally, they will carry this attitude and to your other products. 8. Publish testimonials from famous people in their advertising Runet ad. Some people think that once the well-known people have enjoyed the purchase of your package, they also receive. 9. Always place the mention of money back guarantee. This will reduce the sense of risk in potential buyers and show them that you personally guarantee the quality of the product. 10. Place of thanks from satisfied customers in its announcement. Acknowledgments should include specific and credible results that customers have received. Not a fact, of course, that you will all of these tips to implement. It will also just a great ad copy. But try these tips to perform should be, and the percentage Your sales will increase significantly.

Copywriting Tips

Why advertising text, it is important? To answer this question, just ask yourself, is important for you to profit if you lose every day, month after month, year after year, for one reason only – improper Positioning your product? It does not matter what you sell: electronic books, software, hosting, dodgy service, or something else, but if you have a website and advertise your product is placed on its pages, or releases, newsletters, then you just have to get the most out of each ad text read by your potential customer. How to make your ad copy just took the quick, clung like a magnet and fanned the fire of irrepressible curiosity? The answer is simple: You have to learn to be profitable to your goods, do write advertising copy and to be able to analyze the result you got. When I now read his first advertising texts, I just ridiculous, it really could have someone interested. But time passes, my business is booming and here, of course, there were teachers and mentors. mation. My main teachers were books on advertising and copywriting. The very first book, which has left an indelible mark in my training, was a book by a famous professional psychology of advertising, marketing and copywriting Viktor Orlov Orlov, "How to create advertising that people bought "(e-book download here). Then this book has made me a bombshell in my head, and now it runs through all of my advertising copy. When, two years later, I ran Corresponding with Viktor Orlov, and he visited my site (but not before I told him, of course, said she respected him as a professional of his craft and had the pleasure of learning from his books), he also said, by courtesy, said that he Like my site, praised my advertising copy and said that I was able student.

Activities Using

Many people wonder how you can profit from using the Internet. There are many ways you only need to find a suitable one. But first, you need to understand that you can, and what knowledge have. As The Internet is a kind of the same thing as the real world, only in it to work we go through the door, get on public transport or your own car and reach the city streets to the right place to us. Where we are get money is almost all of us is called work. Likewise, the Internet, but we leave it to a computer, a transfer will be the browser of your system.

And then as we walk through the streets of the sites. You need to find or more precisely determine where you will receive money online. Let's look at … For example, you're a marketer at a large company. And for yourself you are wondering – "How am I going to work in the Internet?" "And for I'll get the money? "If for example we have chosen a profession in marketing, will explain all:" The marketer – is an employee firms, enterprises, analyzing the demand for manufactured goods, markets for goods, generating recommendations to guide the company on whether the issue and the possibilities … "Now let's define what a marketer can provide the network services market.

And not directly their services, they can conduct research, analysis of a structure in which disassembled. Source: Kai-Fu Lee. And many will be profitable to use the services of marketing online, it will be cheaper than contact the company, the company has unnecessarily many costs: the payment of rent of premises, purchase of the periphery, the salary of employees, etc., and of course a percentage of the transaction. And, turning to a professional in the Internet, the person receives quality services at affordable price. In turn, you do your job, and get money for their labor, ie it is already possible to consider earning online. Internet can really bring a decent extra income in your business. You only need to properly present your services potential customers. Foundations of the Internet advertising can learn fast enough, even a couple of ads on sites vysokoposeschaemyh give his small, but the effect that pereletsya several dozen of your potential clients.