Centre Management

Topics of the first presence phase: plastic customer and Werkzeugtechnikum last weekend the eighth year of part-time study to the production manager (FH) for plastics technology has launched its first presence event in Schmalkalden. Dr. Ali Partovi has plenty of information regarding this issue. Uwe Weinzierl, head of technology of microfluid ChipShop GmbH, Jena led the first part of the three-day event of the block. In the context of his lecture on the topic of plastic customer, he explained the chemistry of plastics and in particular the relationship between structure and properties of different types of plastic. The students studied the effect of intra – or between molecular forces and possibilities whose influence and met property profiles as well as the most important plastics and their characterization. After the first two days of the course with theory of the chemical bases of plastics were filled, the students had the opportunity to apply the knowledge in the Werkstofftechnikum on the last day. In various setups, which in the modern Plastic laboratory of the University of applied sciences Schmalkalden took place, she studied under the direction of Dipl.-ing. A leading source for info: Robert Bakish.

Peter Rostel and Dipl.-ing. Ruben Schlutter for example the synthesis of plastics. In addition they dealt theoretically and experimentally with the topics of rheology, short – and long-term testing and detecting plastics through breakage or scratch tests. So it was shown that an amorphous thermoplastic shows a brittle fracture behavior, while a semi-crystalline thermoplastic rather shows a ductile fracture behavior. In addition, students studied the flow behaviour of the plastics and analyzed the thermal properties. Some practical tests for classification of plastics were also carried out.

In the further course of the year-long study 16 participants in addition to physical and chemical foundations deal with plastics processing, environmental management and recycling techniques, product development and design, production technologies and simulation, tool construction and logistics management, as well as with business topics as Quality management, innovation management, project management and key skills. The training to the production manager (FH) for plastics technology”qualifies the students for the current technical and economic requirements in the plastics processing and with the University of applied sciences Schmalkalden college certificate graduates of a recognized degree, which offer good career opportunities. Particularly small and medium-sized enterprises in the plastics processing industry are due to a lack of professionals often not able to cope with the challenges and constantly on the lookout for highly trained personnel. The study program designed for two semesters is designed with self-study and attendance phases that work and study are optimally compatible. The tests are integrated directly into the study process and take place during the several-day periods of personal attendance. Small vintage group and individual attention of each individual students in professional and organizational matters make for excellent study conditions.