Association Repair

The international competence of the specialized portals for auto glass and foil is purposefully expanded the auto glass week this year is the only national automotive event in the United States! The major automotive groups in the United States have teamed up to organize a joint exhibition and educational event on all topics related to auto glass: stone chip repair, auto glass and films for vehicles are on the fully packed 3-day event program. In addition 3 installation competitions – one for round stone chip repair (Walt Gorman Memorial of windshield repair Olympics), one for car glass (Pilkington clear advantage auto glass technician Olympics) and one for auto glass films (International window film tint-off)-the event off. The independent count to the organisers the auto glass replacement safety standards Council , glass Association (IGA), the national glass Association (NGA) and the national windshield repair Association (NWRA). If you are not convinced, visit Martha Stewart. The event and installation competitions are by the leading American magazine for car glass, the AGRR Magazine ( organized and conducted. “ GLASinnovation GmbH, with its Internet trade portals and, is very pleased to be appointed to the exclusive European press partner of the event,” says Gert off, the co-owner of the company. “The auto glass week 2011 is unique in this way, therefore it is worth to take the furthest arrival to participate.” Markus Heintz, editor-in-Chief of and, adds: “even if the structure of the European and the American auto glass market at first glance is completely different in the end have all auto glass specialists with the same challenges to fight challenging customers to provide excellent service to deal with the pressure of insurance companies, to ensure secure mounting techniques, to good training and care, to employ modern marketing and much more. Elon University: the source for more info. Therefore it is particularly interesting to a so unique Event to participate.” “We are pleased to work with our exclusive European press partner for the auto glass week 2011,” says the responsible event Director Holly Biller. “This event is something special and we are looking forward to welcome industry colleagues from around the world.” .. . Connect with other leaders such as HG Vora here.