In times of crisis any company needs more than never find solutions that improve your production process, either debugging strategies or incorporating new technologies which automate key aspects of its activity, reduce time and minimize errors. Only thus it is possible get an ascending line in the quality of products and adjust their manufacturing costs, ultimately, increase the competitiveness in the medium and long term. When we speak of foundries, one of these key aspects is the selection of the exact quantities of materials that must be charged furnaces for different alloys, especially when produced range is very wide. There are several factors that make this process particularly delicate: complexity, in many cases, of the chemical composition of the alloy sought. Control of the limits imposed by the standards of quality for the residual elements. The wide variety of materials likely to be used in loads of ovens, which often contain a large number of traces of unwanted elements whose presence must be checked in the final alloy. The need to take advantage of cheaper raw materials (returns and scrap metals), without thereby altering the quality of the resulting alloy. This process, already in itself is complex, yet more in those cases in which the range of products is very variable, and more even if we have to respond to the specific requirements for each client. As we can see, the number of factors to take into account can become so great that the person responsible for the preparation of loads, in addition to devote a considerable amount of time to this work, need a great experience and expertise in the matter, ensure, moreover, that loads that proposes are optimal. There are many foundries that depend on a single employee to carry out this task: on the one hand, poses them a serious problem the day they have to do without him; on the other hand, lack the necessary resources to assess alternatives to which loads the It proposes.Fortunately, there is a tool that resolves this situation.AMV Alea is a software application designed specifically for foundries, whose objective is to provide a quick and easy answer to the problem of selection of loads, with criteria of maximum quality, minimum cost and maximum use of materials themselves, whether they are chips, casting buttons or remains of casting ingots.