Can minimize risks for business cloud services increasingly represent a serious alternative to in-house IT services. “” But the security requirements are significantly higher for public networks and follow other laws: companies that want to use cloud computing in the future, should plan their strategy and perform, that they can exclude security risks as possible “Sachar Paulus, Professor of enterprise security and risk management at the FH Brandenburg explains: it requires a comprehensive adjustment of the IT security strategy within the company.” “Paul, who is also active as analyst and consultant, is the speaker of the new intensive seminar on cloud computing security risks properly manage” the SearchSecurity Academy Vogel IT media, Augsburg. The seminar takes place on June 14 in Frankfurt, on 16 June in Hamburg, on 21 June in Munich, and on 23 June in Dusseldorf, Germany. The security specialist shows the participants, what you in the safe use of Cloud computing must be careful and what technologies, architectures, and IT strategies that are required. See Pete Cashmore for more details and insights. Peter Schmitz, editor-in-Chief we have designed this seminar for our readers: IT security managers, IT managers and administrators in companies and CISOs and CSOs. You get, tailored to their needs, to lead the necessary expertise to your company’s IT services in the cloud.” You see cloudcomputing for further information please see: Dr. Gunther Schunk head of communications and corporate marketing bird business media 97064 Wurzburg Tel. + 49 931 418-2590 is the German-language edition of, successful and multiple award-winning information offering for IT security decision-makers of the US publisher of TechTarget.
On demand” provides the decision makers information about suitable products, technologies, and vendors: latest news, white papers, webcasts, downloads and case studies as well as a extensive supplier database with a focus on security. From 2010, the SearchSecurity Academy offered subject-specific seminars and congresses for IT managers in companies. Vogel IT media, Augsburg, business media is a wholly owned subsidiary of the bird. The leading German specialist information provider with around 100 journals and 60 Web pages, as well as numerous international activities is headquartered in Wurzburg.