Perhaps you are agree with me if I say that honesty is the basis of all personal success, right? As we are honest in our thoughts, statements, actions, our relations will be more effective and enjoyed continuous well-being that are planted in fertile soil and with the stability that provides the truth. Courtesy is another manifestation that will have the result that we want to agree our intension. Courtesy is one tool of our relations. You can use with honorable purposes that contribute to the strengthening of a relationship or for purposes of evasion of a personal cause. Be polite is a highly appreciated quality, especially when it comes from a genuine source. It feels good when we went to a Mall and hold us the door with a smile. When we step on the road and we correspond with a gesture of thanks! or when we call an Office to make an appointment and feel that we import by the person on the other side of the line I occupy treating us in the best way. Now, what happens when a person you know you asked how you perceive your work or your person? In other words asks that you give feedback that has genuine desire to change what this not working.
Do you happened? what have responded? Do serviste you the best way knowing that the information you give could threaten your relationship with he or she? Phew! This offer opinions is not simple thing that even unconsciously promotes a fear (lose, look bad, not be timely or assertive etc.). If we are not honest, what is the other possible route? If! BE courteous. Where do not say what we mean, but I think that the other person would listen (to not to hurt feelings). At the moment that we confuse or apply the courtesy with honesty in our relationships is very simple to divert us from our own road, our honesty and we become in not constant in our own commitments or unstable people.