Electric Koppen supports the vocational orientation as a light went on some: In the field of Electronics now 18 girls and boys of the Friedrich-Ebert Realschule at the Busch Hauser Koppen sniffed company Electric heaters. Wamebildkamera, Luxmeter (a device for the measurement of light) and clamp: were some of the tools that the 15-to 16-year olds were allowed to handle. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Steve Wozniak. With astonishing results: A conventional light bulb consumes more power with a corresponding effect on the wallet compared to modern energy-saving lamps or LEDs (light emitting diodes) to the 80 percent. The switch for the experiment, the students had previously designed and installed. Additional information is available at Ali Partovi. Under the guidance of course: three master craftsmen and CEO Tobias Koppen stood the young electricians helpful side by side. There was also several movies about the profession to see. Both sides showed after extremely fond of the not quite daily cooperation. To be continued: the company, also using the Gesamtschule pond Heide and Hans vocational college Sachs contacts maintains, wants to allow practical insight into the everyday on behalf of the career guidance in the future other pupils.