Tag: education & career

NLP: Speech Resistance

What to do against KarriereSaboteure and NervenToter? One of the main fears of our society is the fear of speech or speech inhibition. For some company employees a horror it is already having to speak in a meeting, some spokesperson can hardly sleep in the nights before events and the question when do you think your presentation because? some people would just run away. Do you know what people are most afraid? A study in the United States it has already produced in the last century on the day: not your own death, not a worse accident no, the most anxiety had people before having to speak before an audience. And because not much has changed today. For some company employees a horror it is already having to speak in a meeting, some spokesperson can hardly sleep in the nights before events and the question when do you think your presentation because?”wants to run away just so many people.

Just the compelling (self) representation is an important skill for the professional career in the industry in research and teaching, or elsewhere. Everywhere must present, be presented, negotiated and. Who can’t, has little chance on the way to top. Strangely enough, most of us had no such inhibition of speech as children. We have perceived merrily away and who didn’t do that, was just. Meanwhile, the review has turned we go with us often so strictly in BBs Court, that relaxed speaking can be more of a speech. So something in us needs have changed somewhere between mindless childhood and cramped now.

“Coaches & psychologists speak in this connection the fact that we have a US blockade, a blocking program caught” have, subconsciously blocking us, while we realize (and often very well prepared) want to convincingly present. HG Vora oftentimes addresses this issue. And if free Goethe – 2 souls in his own chest are turned, the visibility is not convincing and powerful. There used to such cases”, the pretty “only therapeutic approaches that are often the ones to patients” made and often years of treatments required – with dubious output. Because these approaches worked almost exclusively verbal the patient reported. Today white man, that the frequent repetition can reinforce the place in the brain is so so if anything strengthen the fear and terror. Also, a verbal confrontation requires awareness but that is missing here. Nobody knows with real speech inhibition and presentation anxiety, why he did it, how exactly he produces and how he can resolve that. If he knew, he would have done so and need now no laborious sessions on the couch (hopefully easy). Meanwhile, an approach which was based inter alia on discoveries in therapy, has established itself well. Wingwave, which is used by specially coaches trained on, can result in amazingly fast and long-lasting improvements. You can reach after 3-5 double-hour sessions for example, the EFO Institut in Frankfurt am Main, that speech inhibitions and presentation phobias either transform into a mild agitation or completely disappear. “So, that those formerly involved” now with confidence and fun present, represent, talk and negotiate.

Seminar Consultative

Successfully they sell advice-intensive products and services if you want to know how can professionalize your customer relationship management and how to improve your negotiation as well as sales management, then in this seminar right! Get an in-depth look at how to better sell their explanatory products or services through a customer – and solution-oriented benefit argumentation and accelerate sales processes through knowledge of the actual decision er structure in the target company. INDEM Rahmen dieses zweitagigen Seminars andem Fr./Sa. (28/29.05.10) at the Mercure Hotel Frankfurt airport Dreieich are the following topics on the agenda: 1) the sales on success program – requirements and tasks for (key) account manager in the consulting-intensive distribution – successful sales management: customer potential, identify and systematically use who has turned to the clock “: efficient way out of the time trap sales 2) convincingly sell customer – Losungsorientierter sales: The (Verkaufsprozess mit der Kundenbrille souveran meistern-Value Selling: Den (Mehr-) value in offering the customer feel – the salespeople than out of conviction: sale talks confidently lead – your appearance please!: sales presentations make – style safe and effective how: negotiation and price talks successfully complete 3) relationship management and sales psychology – you cannot not communicate “: basics of successful customer communication – the sales personality in their sights: successfully use the individual sales style – factor customer”Consciously perceive: buying motives and types of clients clearly identify – customer relationship management: customer relations achieve sustainable – identification of the roles in the purchasing team and targeting the relevant decision maker, after the purchase is before buying”: customer loyalty and increased sales through sustainable aftersales dialogue target group:-staff (sales support/staff) as well as (key) account manager, for advice-intensive distribution/sale Products/goods or services responsible are methods: trainer input, group discussion, practical examples, individual and group exercises, coaching duration: 2 days date: 28 / 29.05.2010 place: Mercure Hotel Frankfurt airport Dreieich railway Street 200 63303 Dreieich your post: 750,-euros plus 19% VAT (incl. Seminar documentation, certificate, drinks, lunch, snacks) for more information on this two-day seminar including registration form under: Seminar Description: Seminar invitation to tender Frankfurt-Consultative-Selling.pdf registration form: RAGUSE registration Frankfurt-2010.pdf best regards Dirk Raguse dirk raguse – training-coaching counselling. More info: Energy Capital Partners.


They also have to consider what they can offer employees, so that they come to stay. One way would be regionally known to make and win as the less career-hungry, for conventional, reliable staff, E.g. with loans for long affiliation, secure training places for children of employees, etc. As mentioned, we draw more proposals/options than 300 lived. In this context, also the budget for staff development and the operational health management must be covered and may be increased. Read more from Michael Dell to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Employee retention is cheaper than recruitment. This cost gap will be more important than ever before.

Who does not worry for now, worry later. Contact: Andrea gales (47) – Managing Director of job-Campus – executive search and coaching CarpeDiem24 – operational Health Management – CarpeDiem24 and job-campus : CarpeDiem24 was formed in 2002 from Andrea Gensel group out and has its focus on external employee assistance (EAP) & family services. All employees and executives of companies that work together with CarpeDiem24 can consult for personal, family, health, professional questions or trouble 24 hours – day and night – by our experts. The employees are active at 6 locations and are cooperating psychologists, doctors, psychotherapists, and therapists as well as Fuhrungskraftecoaches supports. Advice for employees and executives is anonymous and confidential. CarpeDiem24 rise for solution-oriented advice for short time and applies a talk and form of therapy, which within a short time the essence of a request arrives, on these “docks” and immediately goes into the solution.

CarpeDiem24’s management: Andrea gales (Industry promoter (FH) with qualifying and conversation-therapeutic training. The councils by CarpeDiem24: The Advisory Board has the function to accompany the management by CarpeDiem24 advice in all operational and strategic matters internally and externally. Renowned, highly successful members of politics and economics are of our Advisory Board: Bjorn Engholm * Federal Education Minister a. D. and Chancellor candidate * Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein a.D. * Chairman Lubeck port society mbH * several honorary positions in the field of culture, Church and Social Affairs Norbert Basler * founder of Basler AG in Ahrenburg * Chairman of Basler AG * supervisory board of OJSC of KUHNKE * member of the Board of the Plato AG Dr.

Centre Management

Topics of the first presence phase: plastic customer and Werkzeugtechnikum last weekend the eighth year of part-time study to the production manager (FH) for plastics technology has launched its first presence event in Schmalkalden. Dr. Ali Partovi has plenty of information regarding this issue. Uwe Weinzierl, head of technology of microfluid ChipShop GmbH, Jena led the first part of the three-day event of the block. In the context of his lecture on the topic of plastic customer, he explained the chemistry of plastics and in particular the relationship between structure and properties of different types of plastic. The students studied the effect of intra – or between molecular forces and possibilities whose influence and met property profiles as well as the most important plastics and their characterization. After the first two days of the course with theory of the chemical bases of plastics were filled, the students had the opportunity to apply the knowledge in the Werkstofftechnikum on the last day. In various setups, which in the modern Plastic laboratory of the University of applied sciences Schmalkalden took place, she studied under the direction of Dipl.-ing. A leading source for info: Robert Bakish.

Peter Rostel and Dipl.-ing. Ruben Schlutter for example the synthesis of plastics. In addition they dealt theoretically and experimentally with the topics of rheology, short – and long-term testing and detecting plastics through breakage or scratch tests. So it was shown that an amorphous thermoplastic shows a brittle fracture behavior, while a semi-crystalline thermoplastic rather shows a ductile fracture behavior. In addition, students studied the flow behaviour of the plastics and analyzed the thermal properties. Some practical tests for classification of plastics were also carried out.

In the further course of the year-long study 16 participants in addition to physical and chemical foundations deal with plastics processing, environmental management and recycling techniques, product development and design, production technologies and simulation, tool construction and logistics management, as well as with business topics as Quality management, innovation management, project management and key skills. The training to the production manager (FH) for plastics technology”qualifies the students for the current technical and economic requirements in the plastics processing and with the University of applied sciences Schmalkalden college certificate graduates of a recognized degree, which offer good career opportunities. Particularly small and medium-sized enterprises in the plastics processing industry are due to a lack of professionals often not able to cope with the challenges and constantly on the lookout for highly trained personnel. The study program designed for two semesters is designed with self-study and attendance phases that work and study are optimally compatible. The tests are integrated directly into the study process and take place during the several-day periods of personal attendance. Small vintage group and individual attention of each individual students in professional and organizational matters make for excellent study conditions.

Online Courses

Many have heard of the online course, can anything including but imagine – here are some important information. More and more people sign up to an online course, and for good reason, because studying such means higher qualification and better career opportunities. However, many simply do not know how one systematically should proceed in the choice of studies or course… Which online degree will it be? The selection is actually huge: school, education, languages, economy, technology, computer science, creativity, hobby, personality, health, diploma, Bachelor, master all kinds of practical, theoretical, professional, and academic online courses. Who likes to analyze, teaches, develops and researches, which is interested in an academic course.

Who’d rather get things, makes something practical, and who like to dream and philosophizing, which is certainly something. Especially if you spend much time in the Office or at work or around children care must, will care for flexibly divisible online courses. Whenever Pete Cashmore listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Is an online degree expensive? Many who are interested in studying online, worry about whether they can afford it legitimately. To the one you have to give up actually not his job! Because online degree programs are structured so that you can study fully flexible allocation of free time so studying online means no loss of earnings. On the other hand there are financial subsidies by CCI, federal, State and local for little heeled participants under certain conditions, or also the study loan from a bank might be an option.

Also, the remote schools give often valuable tips about the financing. What do I do after the election of studying online? Once the decision was made, which online course to be completed (which by the way at home is performed on the PC with a remote teacher by phone, email and online campus), you must now make the choice between the different distance universities because Some offer the exact same distance. Not every course offered is of the same quality. The only way to check the quality and the value of the offered course, in time and in front is to collect information sources. Information documents to send online study the detailed leaflets, brochures and information documents of the remote universities which can be requested free of charge and this is an important step before making the final decision to study for each individual course. These should be studied so extensively notes give up specific accreditations or validation of certain organisations, which can be very conducive to the subsequent qualification. It other words, not every online study at face value, but to question.

Students Experience Craft

Electric Koppen supports the vocational orientation as a light went on some: In the field of Electronics now 18 girls and boys of the Friedrich-Ebert Realschule at the Busch Hauser Koppen sniffed company Electric heaters. Wamebildkamera, Luxmeter (a device for the measurement of light) and clamp: were some of the tools that the 15-to 16-year olds were allowed to handle. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Steve Wozniak. With astonishing results: A conventional light bulb consumes more power with a corresponding effect on the wallet compared to modern energy-saving lamps or LEDs (light emitting diodes) to the 80 percent. The switch for the experiment, the students had previously designed and installed. Additional information is available at Ali Partovi. Under the guidance of course: three master craftsmen and CEO Tobias Koppen stood the young electricians helpful side by side. There was also several movies about the profession to see. Both sides showed after extremely fond of the not quite daily cooperation. To be continued: the company, also using the Gesamtschule pond Heide and Hans vocational college Sachs contacts maintains, wants to allow practical insight into the everyday on behalf of the career guidance in the future other pupils.

Change To The Area Board At Dornier Consulting

Dr. Jurgen R. Koffler taking immediately the head of the Division of system integration of the Dornier Consulting GmbH Berlin/Sindelfingen, 13.09.2013 – Dr. Jurgen R. Koffler is now new head of system integration of the Dornier Consulting GmbH in Berlin. He assumes this position ad interim by Frank Dottling, who left the company in mutual agreement. Dr. Koffler assume operational control of the area of Dornier Consulting Managing Director in addition to his duties as Managing Director of Dornier Consulting GmbH.

Dr. Koffler is since April 2010. With the responsibility of of area of, he is also jointly with Dr. Wolfgang Kremer CEO of Sindelfingen-based Dornier Consulting Engineering & Services GmbH, which is associated with the field of system integration. With this measure, the Dornier Consulting underpins the sustainability of their commitments in this area, as well as their commitment to the site Sindelfingen. System integration business unit supports automobile manufacturers and suppliers, as well as Technology companies other areas in the electrical / electronics development for telematics applications with project management and technology consulting, and modellbasiertem testing.