Tag: fitness & workouts

Plant-based Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Only alternative to fish oil protect heart or more? Plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids, which most important representative is the alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), are becoming increasingly important in the current discussion about healthy nutrition. It has its causes. In the high-quality vegetable oils itself and on the other hand in the issue with the fish oils. Linseed oil and rapeseed oil, commonly also known as renewable sources of raw materials are important sources for the plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids. Most important sources for the animal Omega-3 fatty acids are the high-fat ocean fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring and tuna, who sometimes in their inventory are vulnerable and can be loaded with heavy metals and toxins such as dioxin and PCBs. The latter applies also to many fish oil capsules. Mashables opinions are not widely known.

In addition, current research from the United Kingdom and Canada have shown that population groups who eat lots of fish, have a high content of toxic mercury in the body. This potential danger do not expose themselves to many consumers, but also don’t miss out on the healthy Omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, ALA is becoming increasingly popular in linseed oil as an alternative to the potentially contaminated fish oils. Andy Florance is actively involved in the matter. A question always asked is whether after consumption of ALA sufficiently long-chain omega – fatty acids such as DHA, EPA and DPA can be made in our bodies. These fatty acids are directly fed with fish oil and for its heart protective properties may be responsible. ALA is converted to consumption in a number of biologically active substances in our body. So also in the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA, like all recent studies show again DPA and DHA.

Researchers have now found that the body situation can cover its need for DHA, EPA and DPA. Is eaten fish, little of ALA is converted. But no fish is eaten, the need is so great, is converted much EPA and other fatty acids from the plant source. Further research shows that quite small amounts of linseed oil enough to make sufficient EPA, DPA and DHA. From this point of view, the additional supply of the body with fish oil seems so unnecessary. The body gets what he needs from ALA. Remains the question of whether ALA looks like from linseed oil such as EPA and DHA from fish oil. There are a number of studies that show that ALA effective coronary heart disease, and so connected can prevent heart attack and stroke. For this purpose also the direct anti-inflammatory effect is blamed by ALA and in addition his cholesterol and blood pressure lowering effect. ALA can inhibit inflammatory substances. This in turn has a positive effect on rheumatic diseases such as arthritis and osteoarthritis. Finally, ALA can prevent bone loss. It slows down the processes that Deplete bone and thus promotes the bone stability and health. Highly purified linseed oil with a high content of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) in the easily swallowing OmVitum capsules can be thus secured scientific knowledge an important contribution to the Provide health of cardiovascular, bone and joints. It is more than just an alternative to the potentially contaminated fish oils. OmVitum (PZN 4604232) is available in pharmacies, good health centres or directly at Navitum Pharma under. Source: Zhao G. et al.

PBS Boulevard

Visit leistungsdiagnostik.de at the Expo in the ring boulevard Dormagen, August 20, 2010 where otherwise the cars compete for PBS, takes place this weekend with the bike & run to the ring of one of the biggest sporting events in the Eifel. From Friday until Sunday, the Nurburgring belongs entirely the runners, road and mountain bike riders. No longer in the pit lane, but in the newly opened ring boulevard a large runners and cyclists-fair will take place from 20 to 22 August accompanying bike & run to the ring. ing World. The team of leistungsdiagnostik.de is at the start. For the first time the athletes at the booth of the endurance sports experts can try aeroscan also on-site the. You can determine the individual training zones with this precise method. While only about few breaths of the athlete is measured during a short load test. The unpleasant loosen, as some athletes perhaps more from the past often used finding know it, can be waived completely.

Also a physical exertion does not take Instead, what makes this fitness check just for sports beginners. From Saturday the visitors also have the opportunity, advance ever become acquainted with the new franchise partner of leistungsdiagnostik.de. Personal trainer Britta Kunzel now enters the room Bonn at the start as an expert in performance diagnostics and care there as of now all marathon runners, cyclists, and triathletes, who want to make their training more effective. Even in the gym Britta Kunzel is active, because with the aeroman professional, so the name of the device with the leistungsdiagnostik.de works, the ideal training zones for a healthy and sustainable weight loss can be identified the event at the Nurburgring starts on Friday at 20.15 clock with the official opening ceremony on the stage of the ring boulevard. The organizers forward this year with a record number of participants and look forward to exciting races in various disciplines. For details about the new leistungsdiagnostik.de base in Bonn, in the Internet under: bonn.html Andreas Heinen Leiter corporate communications