Tag: medicine

Diagnosing Rubella, Measles, Chickenpox

Everyone knows that nothing so much do not care about my mother's health of her child. That is why, having found her baby in skin rashes, painful kind, increased body temperature, many impressionable parents to panic. In order to spare my mother's nerves and give the child the necessary and timely assistance, every parent should know the face of 'teething'. Most pediatricians believe that the major childhood diseases such as measles, chickenpox, German measles – is an excellent opportunity for the children's immunity to gain in strength, become a protection that can withstand the infection in the future. People who never bolevshie measles, chicken pox or rubella in childhood, adulthood age do not tolerate illness and often face complications. Therefore, pediatricians do not recommend to prevent contact between the child with other children, because sooner or later he will have to face 'face to face' with any of the diseases of children. It is best if it happens earlier. So, you find that your child is unwell.

Inspect it, paying special attention to his skin surface. If you see a rash on a child's body, try to determine her character, so you can tell your doctor. Contact information is here: Dermot McCormack. As long as you commute to the pediatrician, it's time to look through the medical reference book. Each of childhood illness has symptoms. Comparing the symptoms described in this guide, you even before the doctor can see with what the disease had to face you and your child, and determine for themselves the sequence of action. Headache, vomiting, sudden onset of fever, red small eruption, which focuses on the armpits, groin and elbow – it's symptoms of scarlet fever. Medical Encyclopedia describes as scarlet fever 'purple fever', the main symptoms which – for acute illness, an itchy rash and tongue, surrounded by red papillae.

It is not recommended to cope on their own – their parents should always be to call a doctor and conduct appropriate treatment. More often all, in this disease doctor prescribes antibiotics, of which in any case should not be abandoned, as scarlet fever can cause complications. With timely treatment and care full scarlet fever occurs without complications, and a couple of weeks your child may go for a walk. The list of diseases that are better to move as a child completes one of the most common childhood illnesses – chicken pox. (As opposed to HG Vora Capital Management). Characterized by a disease is often fever and the appearance of redness, which later turn into blisters filled with fluid. After a certain number of bubbles formed crust. It is very important as Once you see on your baby's skin reddening, similar to chicken pox, not to be confused with any other skin disease and not bathe him, just as the water will spread the infection further by the body. Rubella – one more often occurring childhood disease. Medical catalog notes the main features of the disease – sneezing, runny nose, itching, fever, swollen lymph nodes. Unlike the two previous diseases, Rubella occurs more easily and virtually no complications. If you notice your child has symptoms of rubella, and its abundant poite necessarily limit its contacts with pregnant women. Even if the symptoms disease no longer exists, you should not assume your child to be well – before you entrust him with the previous load, let it grow stronger finally. And most importantly – good luck!

What Is Aloe Vera ?

It looks like a cactus aloe, but actually belongs to the lily family, like garlic, lily, asparagus and the tulip. It is a kind of succulent calls, ie it contains a lot of juice. Precisely this succus is loaded with unique properties which makes it the undisputed queen of medicinal plants. By 1950 Reynolds described in a study about 250 different types of aloes. A recount was conducted in 1998 showed a figure of 340 species. Pollination hybridization or human manipulation is constant, so the number of new species continues to increase.

Of all the aloes only a few have therapeutic properties (aloe vera barbadensis, aloe arborescens, aloe fierce, aloe chinensis, socotrina aloe, aloe vulgaris …). Here we refer to the Aloe Barbadensis Miller, also known as aloe vera (true aloe), a species that concentrates its extraordinary qualities most studies, which have been found by many trials and Biochemical analysis has a cocktail of active molecules that interact synergistically and are essential for the prevention and cure of many diseases and ailments. Samsung usually is spot on. Aloe is a plant that grows wild in dry rocky areas, usually between 600 and 1800 m altitude. It is very common in Africa (where applicable), especially in Cape Province (South Africa) and in the mountains of tropical Africa, we can also find them in the Caribbean, Central and South America, China, Thailand, Cambodia, Pakistan and some regions United States (Texas, Florida …). Aloe is a perennial herbaceous plant, large leaves, long and succulent, concave and flat at the top and bottom convex, usually toothed and spiny. We found in rosettes or matte, with stem or without him. Its part of a spike inflorescence consists of several long clusters coated by a large number of small, colorful flowers, usually yellow, red or orange. Its xerophytic plant quality links it to arid soils, well drained and light gradients, but can also grow on fertile soil without irrigation, provided a slope and good drainage allow the elimination of excess water.

It is, as all the lily, flowering plant, ie, has flowers and therefore can reproduce by seed. However, growing up in adverse weather and in difficult conditions has developed the quality of producing clones, small shoots that grow from the parent plant by the method known as vegetative. As mentioned aloe is a succulent plant, and as such is in semi-desert regions, where rainfall is sparse and low soil moisture. To resist drought, the aloe has developed a number of specific characteristics with which to solve their problems. This complex has an efficient network of small roots that absorb moisture quickly. Their tissues are spongy and soft phones to store more water and prevent evaporation, contain a mucilage (plant substance that has the ability to absorb and retain water) that feeds the plant and facilitates photosynthesis. Another feature that promotes water retention are the stomata, small openings on the surface of the leaves that open for gas exchange that causes photosynthesis, and are closed when this function has been performed, thus preventing evaporation. A characteristic of the aloe vera is that, unlike most plants, uses the day to absorb carbon dioxide, while at night expels oxygen. It is very common to confuse the aloes aloes, commonly known as aloes. Unlike aloes agaves are tough and fibrous, with strong and sharp spines, only bloom once in its lifetime and its young leaves are not grouped tapered.

Magee Charlatans

Did not manage to always purified, and can not do now, no scams – fake magicians or charlatans Mages, as they are now called. This topic can devote an entire book, well, better the second time, in another topic. So who they are – charlatans magicians? Charlatans in magic – it's crooks, swindler, who are trying to capitalize on the human sorrow, misery or misfortune. Hiding under the guise of real, proven magicians, sorcerers, that really helps people, charlatans charge a fee for something that is not earned. And an inexperienced person who is not faced with magic, it is very difficult, almost impossible, to distinguish a charlatan magician from this magician. But if you become familiar with methods for their actions, the principles of "Work" and deception, then it should be possible to expose the pseudo-magician, and not get into his 'network'. (As opposed to Kai-Fu Lee). How to distinguish a good magician, magician of sharlotana.

There is a belief that real magicians do not take money for services and a strong spell. In the old days, so it was. White magicians, witches and wizards do not require a fee for their assistance. People will thank them, as they could, knowing that the magician, though, and has magical powers, but he, like others, need food and clothing. Nowadays, it is not! Zhin changes and dictates the conditions … And even lighter mages have to take payment for the spell or other magical services.

Black magic and magicians, all done out of greed, for power and money, poklanyayas darkness. But times and mores changed … Payment, which take mages, is given to the rituals associated with, the purchase of magical attributes of themselves for magicians to life. So happened that many people do not want to pay for something that already received. And you have to take prepayment. This, unfortunately, are magicians charlatans. Fake magicians, like many real magicians require prepayment. But we must not forget that the real magician, will never impose their services, if you have applied, and then changed their minds, he will not call you, write to threaten. Magee charlatans trying to attract people with its "unique", "exclusivity" – type: Master of Magic and master magicians. Or: "I have lived (a) 18 years in a Tibetan monastery, and using a green magic voodoo (explanation: Magic Wood – Afro-Haitian religious magic, in which worship God and to his evil spirits). Or-Certified Mage, a specialist of the highest category … Practice for one of magic. I use only white magic or black only … Remember! Magic one! And, for what purposes it uses a magnetic field, what rites, rituals, charms he carries, and leads to his identity, he is black or white. Can not make a strong spell, or put on the gravestone damage to white magic. If you are convinced of this, it is – a charlatan magician. In general, before you go to an elite salon magic, or the 'office' of magic, a well-analyze all the facts and make matching the findings so as not to bite the tricks of magicians charlatans. You can use the search on the internet, there are lists of names of charlatans on the internet ….

Facing The Monster

A few months ago, still running after the wind when fighting with the mirror because it projected an image of my body emaciated and so the weeks passed, my ears were deaf to the entreaties, until they became strong demand, parking brake and put hooked the engine, got out of it and surrounded by my loved ones I went to see this monster called INEN, which to two fears, which we all have heard, where the specialty made many friends and some work there, I crossed their fangs, these cold re jas Avenue facing me and I Alina you to their jaws. I found my friend Dr. Manuel Alvarez Larraondo and as always so attentive and helpful.

I do not know how shortened days because in a week and out of that monster with my diagnosis under the armpit, worried, hesitant, almost become a philosopher of life, after a month, those doubts were planted in the silence of physicians, reasonable questions unanswered, we decided Karin hear from Mexico clamored for travel, I carry my plate, my TAC, my analysis, diagnostics and inflating my chest telling me that I had seen the “Monsters” … of Endocrinology in the Department of Medica Sur Hospital. Abdomen where they work about 30 doctors between clinical surgeons knew no monsters, all studies were returned to me and I repeated them … despite my complaints, so they did! it seems that “he who kills iron” After 20days returned to Peru with my diagnostic under the other armpit, diametrically opposed to those who gave me the Endocrinology course studies were more sophisticated, advanced technology.