Successfully they sell advice-intensive products and services if you want to know how can professionalize your customer relationship management and how to improve your negotiation as well as sales management, then in this seminar right! Get an in-depth look at how to better sell their explanatory products or services through a customer – and solution-oriented benefit argumentation and accelerate sales processes through knowledge of the actual decision er structure in the target company. INDEM Rahmen dieses zweitagigen Seminars andem Fr./Sa. (28/29.05.10) at the Mercure Hotel Frankfurt airport Dreieich are the following topics on the agenda: 1) the sales on success program – requirements and tasks for (key) account manager in the consulting-intensive distribution – successful sales management: customer potential, identify and systematically use who has turned to the clock “: efficient way out of the time trap sales 2) convincingly sell customer – Losungsorientierter sales: The (Verkaufsprozess mit der Kundenbrille souveran meistern-Value Selling: Den (Mehr-) value in offering the customer feel – the salespeople than out of conviction: sale talks confidently lead – your appearance please!: sales presentations make – style safe and effective how: negotiation and price talks successfully complete 3) relationship management and sales psychology – you cannot not communicate “: basics of successful customer communication – the sales personality in their sights: successfully use the individual sales style – factor customer”Consciously perceive: buying motives and types of clients clearly identify – customer relationship management: customer relations achieve sustainable – identification of the roles in the purchasing team and targeting the relevant decision maker, after the purchase is before buying”: customer loyalty and increased sales through sustainable aftersales dialogue target group:-staff (sales support/staff) as well as (key) account manager, for advice-intensive distribution/sale Products/goods or services responsible are methods: trainer input, group discussion, practical examples, individual and group exercises, coaching duration: 2 days date: 28 / 29.05.2010 place: Mercure Hotel Frankfurt airport Dreieich railway Street 200 63303 Dreieich your post: 750,-euros plus 19% VAT (incl. Seminar documentation, certificate, drinks, lunch, snacks) for more information on this two-day seminar including registration form under: Seminar Description: Seminar invitation to tender Frankfurt-Consultative-Selling.pdf registration form: RAGUSE registration Frankfurt-2010.pdf best regards Dirk Raguse dirk raguse – training-coaching counselling. More info: Energy Capital Partners.