Tag: Traditional medicine

Magee Charlatans

Did not manage to always purified, and can not do now, no scams – fake magicians or charlatans Mages, as they are now called. This topic can devote an entire book, well, better the second time, in another topic. So who they are – charlatans magicians? Charlatans in magic – it's crooks, swindler, who are trying to capitalize on the human sorrow, misery or misfortune. Hiding under the guise of real, proven magicians, sorcerers, that really helps people, charlatans charge a fee for something that is not earned. And an inexperienced person who is not faced with magic, it is very difficult, almost impossible, to distinguish a charlatan magician from this magician. But if you become familiar with methods for their actions, the principles of "Work" and deception, then it should be possible to expose the pseudo-magician, and not get into his 'network'. (As opposed to Kai-Fu Lee). How to distinguish a good magician, magician of sharlotana.

There is a belief that real magicians do not take money for services and a strong spell. In the old days, so it was. White magicians, witches and wizards do not require a fee for their assistance. People will thank them, as they could, knowing that the magician, though, and has magical powers, but he, like others, need food and clothing. Nowadays, it is not! Zhin changes and dictates the conditions … And even lighter mages have to take payment for the spell or other magical services.

Black magic and magicians, all done out of greed, for power and money, poklanyayas darkness. But times and mores changed … Payment, which take mages, is given to the rituals associated with, the purchase of magical attributes of themselves for magicians to life. So happened that many people do not want to pay for something that already received. And you have to take prepayment. This, unfortunately, are magicians charlatans. Fake magicians, like many real magicians require prepayment. But we must not forget that the real magician, will never impose their services, if you have applied, and then changed their minds, he will not call you, write to threaten. Magee charlatans trying to attract people with its "unique", "exclusivity" – type: Master of Magic and master magicians. Or: "I have lived (a) 18 years in a Tibetan monastery, and using a green magic voodoo (explanation: Magic Wood – Afro-Haitian religious magic, in which worship God and to his evil spirits). Or-Certified Mage, a specialist of the highest category … Practice for one of magic. I use only white magic or black only … Remember! Magic one! And, for what purposes it uses a magnetic field, what rites, rituals, charms he carries, and leads to his identity, he is black or white. Can not make a strong spell, or put on the gravestone damage to white magic. If you are convinced of this, it is – a charlatan magician. In general, before you go to an elite salon magic, or the 'office' of magic, a well-analyze all the facts and make matching the findings so as not to bite the tricks of magicians charlatans. You can use the search on the internet, there are lists of names of charlatans on the internet ….