The Art Of Karate

Karate – martial art developed by people who were forbidden to use weapons. Thus, it was created as an art of defense. It is believed that the high degree of skill to defend themselves quite alone hands. The word "karate" means "empty hand". Modern karate is a suit jacket. To successfully buy a kimono to draw attention to its quality, since in practice it will be heavy loads. The origins of karate has more than thousand-year history. When Dharma was in the monastery of Shao-Lin in China, he taught his students physical training to develop stamina and physical strength, and made this harsh discipline as part of their religion.

These methods of physical training in the future developed and improved and became known as the art of fighting Shao-lin. Source: Zendesk. This martial art was taken to Okinawa where it is mixed with the local methods of struggle of the islanders. Lord of ancient Okinawa, and later the feudal ruler of Kagoshima on the southern tip of Kyushu in Japan has banned the use of weapons, and it caused a marked development of technology to combat with bare hands and self-defense techniques. This martial art that originated in China, was called Karate, which literally means "Chinese hand". Funakoshi Gichin a modern master, who died v1957g., At the age of 88 years, changed the meaning of the term: the hand of the "Chinese" has become "empty". Funakoshi took the definition for the value of the philosophy of Zen Buddhism, "make yourself empty, empty your mind." For the karate master was primarily military art, but he saw it and a tool to help build character. He wrote: "As a mirror reflects all that is in front of her, and a quiet valley carries even small sounds, and karate should completely banish from your mind selfishness and anger in an effort to respond appropriately to all what he might encounter. This is the main purpose of the "penalty", or voids, in karate. "